About MHC Training Solutions

Who We Are
Established in 2010, MHC Training Solutions is a leading UK provider of mandatory and statutory training, online training courses, programmes and Ofqual approved qualification.
All our statutory and mandatory training courses meet the current UK legislation, regulations and recommended best practice. All organisations are required to carry out risk assessments, training needs assessments and appropriate training to meet the law requirements.
Why is statutory and mandatory training required?
Statutory training is required to ensure that the organisation is meeting any legislative duties. On the other hand, mandatory training is an organisational requirement to limit risk and maintain safe working practice.
Mandatory training is important because it enables health and social care workers to achieve the standards set by regulatory authorities and meet organisational obligations. Both statutory and mandatory training equips staff with the essential knowledge and skills to work safely and effectively.

What Our Users Say About Us
I have attended several courses with MHC Training Institute in the past and believe them to be the best in terms of relevancy and content. From the tutors and fellow delegates to the takeaway materials.
This was a very interactive workshop compared to those available from other providers who feel more like lectures. The day really fine-tuned my skills and the updates I have received since mean I can continue my learning into the future.
When I wanted to develop the writing skills I knew there would be no better place to learn. The Course Director was clear and interesting and I liked his style of teaching. The material we covered was up to date and highly relevant to my role.
Reputable Distance Course Providers
For further information about e-learning and distance learning opportunities, it’s better to seek advice from well-established large course providers first of all. These include:
- The Open University
- Learndirect
- Open Learning Centre International
- National Extension College

Why choose accredited online training providers?
With no open days or face-to-face meetings, how do you pick a distance learning course?
Here’s what to consider before choosing an online degree Fake institutions are an ongoing issue with internet degree courses, so it’s worth taking the time to make sure a course you’ve chosen is the real deal.
How much does it cost? Another factor to consider is the budget. Although online learners can often cut the cost by being based off-campus and working alongside their degree, tuition fees still tend to be in the thousands.
Accreditation And Quality Standards
Unlike universities and colleges which are state-funded and so they are regularly inspected by government officials to ensure that they meet quality standards, many online course providers are private companies. Therefore, you’ll need to do your research to be sure that they meet certain quality standards. First of all, you should check whether or not the course is accredited.
Most reputable approved online course providers are inspected by the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (DOLCE) and will feature their logo on all of their promotional material. Another widely used trade association is the Association of British Correspondence Colleges so if you have identified a suitable course, you should check that it’s been accredited by one of these organisations. If the online courses you’re considering have been accredited by some other external organisation make sure you establish that it’s bonafide and a reputable one.